Recovery Areas for the San Joaquin Kit Fox 2007

Sep 15, 2015 (Last modified Jun 11, 2020)
Uploaded by Dustin Pearce
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Recovery area for the San Joaquin kit fox (Draft). There are 3 core and 12 satellite populations. Each population is named in the attribute table. Linkages with jagged edges are draft.
Data Provided By:
Joni M. Mitchell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Office, Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, Sacramento, CA
Content date:
Jan 2007
Contact Organization:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office
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Use Constraints:
Data is for restricted use only and is to be used exclusively by requester. Employees and subcontractors shall not provide or otherwise make available the GIS data or any part or copies thereof to any other party without prior written approval of the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, GIS Branch.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 15 Members
Bookmarked by 1 Member , 3 Groups
Included in 2 Public Maps , 11 Private Maps
Included in 2 Public Galleries

About the Uploader

Dustin Pearce
GIS Analyst with Conservation Biology Institute

Dustin Pearce is GIS Analyst with the Conservation Biology Institute. He has focused geospatial and stakeholder engagement experience in the San Joaquin Valley of California on agricultural lands, natural lands, and renewable energy development. His experience and background allows him to work with...