Soil series, irrigated crops and non-irrigated crops
Storie Index: The Storie Index is a soil rating based on soil properties that govern a soil's potential for cultivated agriculture in California.
The Storie Index assesses the productivity of a soil from the following four characteristics: Factor A, degree of soil profile development; factor B, texture of the surface layer; factor C, slope; and factor X, manageable features, including drainage, microrelief, fertility, acidity, erosion, and salt content. A score ranging from 0 to 100 percent is determined for each factor, and the scores are then multiplied together to derive an index rating.
For simplification, Storie Index ratings have been combined into six grade classes as follows: Grade 1 (excellent), 100 to 80; grade 2 (good), 79 to 60; grade 3 (fair), 59 to 40; grade 4 (poor), 39 to 20; grade 5 (very poor), 19 to 10; and grade 6 (nonagricultural), less than 10.