NRCS - Soil Salinity Classes

Oct 28, 2015 (Last modified Sep 28, 2016)
Uploaded by Dustin Pearce
A preliminary assessment of salt affected soils in California. Distribution of soils with:
1. EC >4 mmhos per cm for a weighted average of 0-100 cm soil depth.
2. Combined SAR > 13 and EC >4 mmhos per cm for a weighted average of 0-100 cm soil depth.

Salinity Classes: 
Electrical Conductivity (mmhos cm-1, equivalent to
dS m-1).

Non Saline: 0 to less than 2
Very Slightly Saline: 2 to less than 4
Slightly Saline: 4 to less than 8
Moderately Saline: 8 to less than16
Strongly Saline: greater or equal to 16

Soils having high EC, as determined by a threshold value of 4 or more, impairs most crop growth.

Data Provided By:
Sid Davis, Assistant State Soil Scientist; Kerry Arroues, MLRA Soil
Survey, Leader, Hanford, CA; Steve Cambell, Soil Scientist, WNTSC,
Portland, OR

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About the Uploader

Dustin Pearce
GIS Analyst with Conservation Biology Institute

Dustin Pearce is GIS Analyst with the Conservation Biology Institute. He has focused geospatial and stakeholder engagement experience in the San Joaquin Valley of California on agricultural lands, natural lands, and renewable energy development. His experience and background allows him to work with...